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Friday, June 27, 2008

10 Reasons to Love a Recession

During difficult economic times, it's easy to become pessimistic about the future. Which is why it's important to remember that everything about life goes through cycles. While things may look gloomy one day, the sun will shine again tomorrow (alright, maybe a little less in northeast Ohio).

We experienced a similar economic downturn during the 1970s. People were afraid of the same things: fuel prices, food prices, unemployment. We survived.

Some people (hopefully a lot) will use these circumstances to reevaluate their spending habits. Maybe we could cut out some of the numerous bills we've allowed to creep into our lives? While, of course, noone can live without a cell phone, satellite tv, or an Internet connection, maybe we can find ways to simplify and better our lives.

This is why I found this article from so interesting:
10 Reasons to Love a Recession

Talk about finding a silver lining! I can not only save money by having family dinners at home (at the actual dinner table no less), but I can strengthen family bonds and give my children a better sense of well-being? I can save money by mowing my own lawn and benefit from the exercise? I can save money by planting a garden and benefit from a healthier diet? What revolutionary concepts!

The point is: Find the silver lining! There are ways to save money and improve your life at the same time. Difficult times are not just difficult, they're learning experiences.


Salvador said...

Good article

Anonymous said...

Great article--perhaps this is the motivation I need to rediscover my kitchen...

Jan said...

I enjoyed your post--got me started thinking. I presented to my husband my plan for budget trimming, starting with the cancellation of HBO. Based on his reaction, my plan is going to need revision.....